Casula, NSW
This is not a story I have shared with anyone until now. We were living in a very haunted home on an island and became the subject of attack, me mainly, but my whole family were terrorised for a year until it all became too much and we fled in the middle of the night. We lost everything...and I almost lost my life. Living in this house we were subjected to seeing apparitions, had objects thrown at us daily, would observe objects levitating, have my clothing torn and was scratched daily. It was a living hell. We decided it was time to flee when I had a near death experience after 'it' tried to kill me. I believe my brothers spirit (he passed 30 yrs ago) came back into my life to keep me protected. He now lives with us and I devolped a system to allow him to write with his own hand to speak with my whole family. I do believe this to be the biggest haunting story I have ever heard of. This led me to join a paranormal investigative unit. To this day, it is evident that our lives are filled with supernatural experiences.
Submitted by M Lang 2012
Submitted by M Lang 2012