Erina, NSW
I have had many weird random things happen to me, stuff moves,'s annoyingly weird. When I lived in Erina, NSW there was some kind of strange cluster in this house. In a way, I guess it started with my dog. I had a golden lab cross border collie, he started off as an
inside dog, but would become suddenly frantic. He would jump backwards with his head down low, like he was watching something he refused to turn his back on, this would usually end with him urinating all over the floor and jumping on me. I couldn't see anything, but I could sense a 'presence' when this happened. But for all I know it could have been my imagination playing tricks. Needless to say, the dog was put out in the yard after about a month, as it was too much cleaning up.
Another thing in that house was the cupboards in the kitchen, they would be open some mornings. Never all the cupboards and sometimes it would be only one, sometimes a couple of the drawers would be open as well. Nothing inside any cupboard or drawer had been moved or taken. Every single morning I would find something open in the kitchen, there would ALWAYS be one of the chairs, or a stool, placed behind the front door and another behind the back door. At one point I thought it could have been my son who was between 1 - 2years old when we lived there, but this would even happen on nights when no one was home. If we stayed the night at my parents house, when I came home my kitchen cupboards would all be open.
One night I was having a bit of an argument on the phone, hung up and threw my mobile on the floor in disgust. (as we do when we're frustrated haha) I watch it hit the carpet and land face down, flipped out (the days when we had flip phones) and it slide under a sheet of paper. I turned the tv off, picked up the paper on the floor and went to grab my phone, but it wasn't there. I stood up and turned around and saw it, face up, flip closed and sitting on the coffee table.
I've saved the best for last. One day I lost my keys while out shopping. I let the customer service desk at Erina Fair know about my keys and left my number with them if anyone found them. My door had 2 locks on it, one being a deadbolt, both are locked securely and with no keys, my partner and I ended up having to climb through a window to get inside that afternoon. My son was with my parents that night, and we were up ALL NIGHT, no one came over and we did not leave the house. The next morning, I was being funny and sarcastic and went to pretend to open the door, knowing it was still locked up as we still had no keys. But the door opened! I fell back against the wall in shock and had no words to explain. My fiancee just started at me, then the door. "What the hell?!" was the general thing going there. About ½hour later I got a call from Erina Fair Customer Service, one of the cleaners had found my keys.
A couple of times I have seen things, but the memories feel kinda hazy like I can't trust them properly. An ashtray slid across the floor. A faint white glow at the end of the hallway. I'd also seen a shadow of someone walking across the front veranda but there was no one there casting the shadow. I honestly do believe in ghosts but I still like to find a logical explanation for some things so Ii don't fell like I'm cheating or lying to myself somehow. This stuff I have never been able to explain to myself or anyone I've told.
Submitted by M Mel 2012
inside dog, but would become suddenly frantic. He would jump backwards with his head down low, like he was watching something he refused to turn his back on, this would usually end with him urinating all over the floor and jumping on me. I couldn't see anything, but I could sense a 'presence' when this happened. But for all I know it could have been my imagination playing tricks. Needless to say, the dog was put out in the yard after about a month, as it was too much cleaning up.
Another thing in that house was the cupboards in the kitchen, they would be open some mornings. Never all the cupboards and sometimes it would be only one, sometimes a couple of the drawers would be open as well. Nothing inside any cupboard or drawer had been moved or taken. Every single morning I would find something open in the kitchen, there would ALWAYS be one of the chairs, or a stool, placed behind the front door and another behind the back door. At one point I thought it could have been my son who was between 1 - 2years old when we lived there, but this would even happen on nights when no one was home. If we stayed the night at my parents house, when I came home my kitchen cupboards would all be open.
One night I was having a bit of an argument on the phone, hung up and threw my mobile on the floor in disgust. (as we do when we're frustrated haha) I watch it hit the carpet and land face down, flipped out (the days when we had flip phones) and it slide under a sheet of paper. I turned the tv off, picked up the paper on the floor and went to grab my phone, but it wasn't there. I stood up and turned around and saw it, face up, flip closed and sitting on the coffee table.
I've saved the best for last. One day I lost my keys while out shopping. I let the customer service desk at Erina Fair know about my keys and left my number with them if anyone found them. My door had 2 locks on it, one being a deadbolt, both are locked securely and with no keys, my partner and I ended up having to climb through a window to get inside that afternoon. My son was with my parents that night, and we were up ALL NIGHT, no one came over and we did not leave the house. The next morning, I was being funny and sarcastic and went to pretend to open the door, knowing it was still locked up as we still had no keys. But the door opened! I fell back against the wall in shock and had no words to explain. My fiancee just started at me, then the door. "What the hell?!" was the general thing going there. About ½hour later I got a call from Erina Fair Customer Service, one of the cleaners had found my keys.
A couple of times I have seen things, but the memories feel kinda hazy like I can't trust them properly. An ashtray slid across the floor. A faint white glow at the end of the hallway. I'd also seen a shadow of someone walking across the front veranda but there was no one there casting the shadow. I honestly do believe in ghosts but I still like to find a logical explanation for some things so Ii don't fell like I'm cheating or lying to myself somehow. This stuff I have never been able to explain to myself or anyone I've told.
Submitted by M Mel 2012